Sunday, February 5, 2012

If You Think This Is Cold...

Our snowstorm last week was beautiful while it lasted, which wasn't long. The snow melted the next day
Paolo Fortin, one of our Winter Studio Residents, wrote to us last week to tell us he would be a little late coming to Islip because it was snowing where he lives...near the Arctic Circle. We got his message during the middle of our own snowstorm on Long Island, which dumped 4 inches on the sidewalks leading to the Carriage House. Around here, that's our idea of a natural disaster.  Four inches? That's not snow, according to Paolo. But let him describe his life in Inuvik, Canada, and his difficulty getting here in his own words:

My plan was to arrive in the afternoon on Feb. 1st. I have a flight booked via Newark but may have to re-schedule as I keep an eye on the weather this week. Weather in the western arctic at the moment is terrible. We've just endured a five day blizzard and the temperature has dropped below -40F. I was stuck for three days in Whitehorse trying to get back home to Inuvik while flight after flight was cancelled. I returned home to a six foot snowdrift in front of my door. The road out (yes, only one road - think "Ice Road Truckers"...) has been closed more than it has been open this winter. It's my hope that I can still get south in time to catch my Toronto to Newark flight on the 1st, but I have to admit that it's day to day with the weather. I will keep you updated on the progress of getting out of this isolated place. It sounds ridiculous I know, but its a reality up here.

Hopefully, Paolo and the dog sled team will arrive sometime this week!

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